Eviction Junk Removal Services in Salem, OR

Think about all the different apartments, rental houses, and rental commercial spaces that exist in Salem, OR and other nearby areas. Whenever there is a mess that has to be cleaned up in these properties, someone has to be responsible for the work. In many cases, landlords turn to junk removal professionals such as us! At Junk911, we’re happy to provide our customers with eviction cleanouts in Salem, OR that are fast, affordable, and friendly, too!

Our well-mannered team works quickly to remove junk from the rental property while maintaining optimistic demeanors. What’s more, we do it all for a low price that you’ll appreciate. Now you can get rid of eviction junk without having to stress over it!


Image of the Junk911 team smiling

Why us for eviction clean up services?

Our junk pick up and furniture removal is a great option because we have been doing junk removal in our community for a long time. Needless to say, you can count on us to get the job done right with zero hang-ups.

  • You won’t have to do any of the hard work! Instead, just show us what has to go, and we’ll haul it.
  • Whether you need a residential space, a business, or even a rental cleaned out, we are happy to help.
  • Our professional staff members will treat you with respect while working hard to get the work done fast.
  • We are proud to be eco-friendly and recycle and donate as much of the junk we collect as we can!

Most of the question are answered blow.

What is included in your eviction cleanout service?

Our eviction cleanout service includes the removal of all belongings and debris left behind by the former occupants, ensuring that the property is clean, empty, and ready for the next tenant or owner.

Do you offer eviction cleanup services as well?

Yes, we offer eviction cleanup services to restore the property to its original condition. Our team thoroughly cleans and sanitizes all surfaces, floors, and fixtures, ensuring the property is ready for occupancy.

How do I schedule an eviction cleanout or cleanup service?

Scheduling a service is easys imply contact us by phone or through our website to discuss your needs and book an appointment.

Can you handle multiple eviction properties at once?

Yes, we have the capacity and resources to handle multiple eviction properties simultaneously, ensuring prompt and efficient service for our clients.

Are your eviction cleaning services available for landlords and property managers?

Yes, our eviction cleaning services are available for landlords and property managers looking to maintain clean and inviting properties for their tenants.

Junk911 eviction cleanout service

How Eviction Cleaning Works

Step 1

We will be at your appointment right on time! Expect to see a well-dressed team that arrives in a truck with plenty of room for all your unwanted eviction junk.

Step 2

Give us a short tour of the evicted property so we can size up the job ahead of us. Then, approve our upfront service quote, and we can begin hauling away junk.

Step 3

After loading up our truck, we’ll ensure we didn’t forget anything along the way, sweep up behind ourselves, and request your payment.

Step 4

We’ll deal with the disposal process so you don’t have to. We are eco-friendly and aim to recycle and donate as much of what we collect as possible.

Items We Take

From cleanouts to removals, we can do it all. We turning chaos into cleanliness, one junk pile at a time.

  • Recyclables
  • Wet Paint
  • Yard Debris
  • Junk

Items We Don't Take

We always remove your junk when we can, but there are a few items we have to refuse.

  • Pressurized Containers
  • Items Too Massive to Lift Safely
  • Biohazard Items
  • Hazardous Items

Removing Appliances from Evicted Properties

When you evicted that unruly tenant from your apartment, did they leave you with a filthy, undesirable refrigerator? A broken washing machine and dryer? You may have even evicted a commercial property, leaving you with a pile of abandoned kitchen equipment. Obviously, Removing an appliance is tough work. Removing multiple appliances? That’s a whole other thing. Fortunately, we take on appliance removal jobs of all sizes at Junk911.

What kinds of appliances do you need us to haul away? We can take away freezers, water heaters, ice machines, stoves, dishwashers, and so much more. Whatever we haul away, the process is the same. We’ll carefully lift the appliance on either side, guide it out the door, and load it onto our truck. Additionally, count on us to take the appliance away for recycling. After all, it would be wasteful if we just dumped it at the landfill!